Happy Birthday Big Bos!! | Blog @thesharkox

Happy Birthday Big Bos!!

Sepatutnya ia menjadi hadiah untuk Bos pada hari birthday bos minggu lepas, namun tidak sempat lah bos..


Wadi AR said... [Reply to comment]

anda punye bos cina?

The Sharkox said... [Reply to comment]

@Wadi AR: not chinese, not malay, not indian, not dan lain lain, but he's a malaysian

ParkAir said... [Reply to comment]

macam kepala aku lah!

nazrul ali said... [Reply to comment]

Mohon encik bos berikan elaun khas kartun kepada encik sharkox..

Aujinz said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Birthday Boss!!!

cEro said... [Reply to comment]

grrr, berkempen memenangi hati bos ke?


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