TheSharkomikx: Guna Pasti Sesat | Blog @thesharkox

TheSharkomikx: Guna Pasti Sesat


Ahmedfani said... [Reply to comment]

Biasa on GPS tapi tak follow.

Sharz said... [Reply to comment]

wahahaha..memang lawak!!

merahitujambu said... [Reply to comment]

kah..kah..kah..duk umah tgok leh baring2

Amin Aizuddin said... [Reply to comment]

hahaha...bawak pi stadium bukit katil xD

Aujinz said... [Reply to comment]

memang sesat pon.. map lama tak update.. koh koh koh

nazrul ali said... [Reply to comment]

dari p stadium bukit katil, baik tengok bola ataih katil bahaha

bigdot82 said... [Reply to comment]

tak lar sampai " Guna Pasti Sesat" tapi yang kompom nya "Guna Pun Sesat"

cEro said... [Reply to comment]

Aku pengguna tegar GPS sbb aku slalu sesat...
Dengan GPS, aku yg selalu sesat jadi kurang sesat, walaupon masih sesat!

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